
Nome da empresa


Ver todos os certificados

CG | XXXX-0000-0000-XXXX


10 toneladas



XXXX licenças

Referente a compensação anual das emissões da planta de Jaraguá.

Warranties and Certifications

Green Carbon’s forest management units are owned or leased areas that adhere to the good practices established by Brazilian and international inspection agencies.
We undergo audits and hold certifications from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the renowned green seal recognized in over 75 countries worldwide. Additionally, we conduct independent audits with the assistance of forestry engineers who are authorized to certify the forest’s health and the average volume of carbon sequestered.

– FSC®️ Plantation Certificate AO00521

– CO2 Sequestration Technical Report

In addition to these options, we provide our partner companies with:

– Green Carbon Certificate with a validation key.

– Digital signature for website use.

– Field visits to all management units.

Certificado de compensação de carbono Green Carbon

How many tons of CO² would your
company like to offset?

XX Credits needed
XX Licensed trees
Investment on request

Need help defining how much carbon your company should offset? Click here


Customized programs

Incorporate our initiatives into a customized climate sustainability program tailored to your company’s name and branding, with the Green Carbon endorsement. Along with tree planting, you can provide your own branded educational environment to promote the best practices of climate sustainability.

Please review your information. We will contact you shortly to finalize your request.

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Revise seus dados. Em breve entraremos em contato para concluir sua solicitação.