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CG | XXXX-0000-0000-XXXX


10 toneladas



XXXX licenças

Referente a compensação anual das emissões da planta de Jaraguá.

Life cycle and permanent management

The Green Carbon forest management units receive continuous care throughout the life cycle of each planted tree. This guarantees the application of good management practices guided by IBAMA and FSC, ensuring optimal use with minimal environmental impact.

We conduct a thorough inventory of the flora and fauna in the area to ensure preservation. From analyzing the environmental impact and preparing the soil to selecting seedlings, controlling pests, pruning, and thinning, and optimizing harvesting and transportation for maximum carbon fixation.

Thanks to proper management, the surrounding area of the trees is covered with vegetation that can even be used for animal grazing, leading to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.


As old trees naturally degrade, the sequestered carbon is returned to nature. Therefore, harvesting in adulthood is the best strategy for retaining CO2. With proper management, harvesting, and transportation, the carbon remains in the wood and does not negatively impact the environment.

How many tons of CO² would your
company like to offset?

XX Credits needed
XX Licensed trees
Investment on request

Need help defining how much carbon your company should offset? Click here


Customized programs

Incorporate our initiatives into a customized climate sustainability program tailored to your company’s name and branding, with the Green Carbon endorsement. Along with tree planting, you can provide your own branded educational environment to promote the best practices of climate sustainability.

Please review your information. We will contact you shortly to finalize your request.

Acesse o ambiente de treinamento

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