
Nome da empresa


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CG | XXXX-0000-0000-XXXX


10 toneladas



XXXX licenças

Referente a compensação anual das emissões da planta de Jaraguá.

How many tons of CO² would your
company like to offset?

XX Credits needed
XX Licensed trees
Investment on request

Need help defining how much carbon your company should offset? Click here

We are a Greentech company

We give prominence to companies that want to reverse global warming.

Our Green Way

We plant trees with high CO2 sequestration power and promote climate awareness programs. We support companies like yours that want to write a sustainable story. Our purpose is to help reverse climate change and ensure a truly sustainable future.

Taking care of the planet is everyone’s responsibility, including companies. The world is collapsing, and we need to act. Our concern is urgent and collective: we are agents of transformation today, for a more sustainable future for this and the next generations.

Who have we already inspired

Take responsibility. Compensate.




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Green Carbon University

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