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CG | XXXX-0000-0000-XXXX


10 toneladas



XXXX licenças

Referente a compensação anual das emissões da planta de Jaraguá.

We inspire companies to write sustainability stories.

We are a Brazilian Greentech founded in 2006 in the Serra Catarinense. We were born inside a technology company, NDD, which means technology is at our core. We plant trees in reforestation areas with high CO² sequestration power and promote climate awareness programs.

Our purpose is to help reverse climate
change and ensure a truly sustainable future.

Group 260

Plant trees and offset your environmental footprint.

Group 259

Raise awareness among your employees through our University.

Group 261

Connect with ESG through actions involving climate and the environment.

Green Carbon operates in the voluntary market, offering more than just carbon credits. We have a climate sustainability program that includes:

Group 85

Planting and licensing trees with high carbon sequestration power, following international standards for management.

Group 85

Carbon credits resulting from our tree planting efforts*.

Group 85

Online educational structure to raise awareness about individual good practices for climate sustainability.


Forest Management Units

Green Carbon

Competitive advantages

of Green Carbon's initiatives

Trees with up to 5 times more carbon sequestration power.

Licensing of trees in the active phase of sequestration.

Limited tree reserve.

Permanent management with FSC certification.

Market communication support*.

Educational Program*.

*Availability and materials included upon consultation. Please check availability and conditions for your region.

Green Carbon University

A truly sustainable future starts with awareness. Green Carbon University offers short-term training courses focused on climate change.

Warranties and

5x more
sequestration power

Life cycle and
permanent management

How to make my
company's GHG inventory

Acesse o ambiente de treinamento

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